Lion Gift of Sight Today
The Lions Gift of Sight eye bank is the premier project of the Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation. News of Lions Gift of Sight, as well as of the foundation can be found in Lions Gift of Sight Today! Clink on the links below to read each issue.
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Spring-Summer 2024
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Fall-Winter 2023
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Spring-Summer 2023
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Fall-Winter 2022
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Spring-Summer 2022
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Fall 2021
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Spring 2021
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Fall 2020
Lions Gift of Sight Today – Summer 2020
July 27
MLVF Board of Directors Meeting
October 25
Eye Ball
October 26
Thanksgiving for Vision

Lions International President Visits Minnesota
In October, International President Lion Brian Sheehan, the International board of directors, Lions International staff, and many partners in service from all over the world visited Minnesota to conduct business and learn more about Lions Multiple District 5M (Minnesota, Manitoba, and Northwest Ontario).
Countries of origin for the 150 guests included Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Finland, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Paraguay, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United States. This variety accurately reflects the international aspect of Lions, who have been reaching across borders for more than 100 years.
Many festivities were planned throughout Minnesota to highlight the beauty and allure of our state. While in the Twin Cities, visitors were treated to dinner at the historic Minneapolis Club and an Oktoberfest celebration at the Nicollet Island Inn Pavilion. Then they headed north to see what Duluth and Brainerd had to offer, not the least of which was the stunning autumn colors!
While the International Board was conducting business, the partners of board members came to Lions Gift of Sight for lunch, talks, and a tour. Staff from every avenue of the eye bank helped teach about the intricacies of eye banking and about the world-class research being conducted or facilitated by Lions Gift of Sight.
Lion Brian is from Bird Island, Minnesota, (population around 1,000). Those unfamiliar with Lions might not appreciate the magnitude of Brian’s accomplishment in assuming leadership of this international organization. Presidents come from all over the globe, and recent leaders hailed from India, Iceland, Japan, Australia, and the Republic of Korea. The only previous Minnesotan representing the service organization in this capacity was Ewan W. Cameron from Minneapolis back in 1921!
President Brian will serve through June 2023.

Director Fenske Collects Eyeglasses

Lion Jeff Fenske
Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation board member Lion Jeff Fenske (Saint Paul) was featured in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press July 18. Dubbed the “east-metro collection czar” by Press reporter Mary Divine, Lion Jeff collects used eyeglasses for the Vision Foundation, and has had as many as 5,000 pair stored in his law office awaiting a trip to the Sauk Rapids recycling center!
For many years, the Vision Foundation has collected used eyeglasses. After being cleaned, repaired, and catalogued, glasses are given to ophthalmologists, optometrists, and volunteers going on mission trips to South or Central America, Africa, and other areas in need. More information can be found on our Used Eyeglass Collection page.