Board of Directors
The Minnesota Lions Vision Foundation has a 22-person board of directors composed of Multiple District 5M Lions International members in good standing. Vision Foundation board members give fiscal oversight to the Lions Gift of Sight eye bank and report on eye bank activities to the Lions of Minnesota. They promote the eye bank and other sight–related endeavors at the University of Minnesota to fellow Lions and to their communities. In addition, directors regularly review grant requests from the University’s Lions Children’s Eye Clinic and Lions Macular Degeneration Research and Rehabilitation Center, as well as University research projects at the Lions Research Building.

PDG Lion Nadeen Lunde
District 5M-1
Pine Island, Minnesota

District 5M-3

Lion Kathy Barclay
District 5M-5
Excelsior, Minnesota

PDG Lion Steve Linder
District 5M-7
Ramsey, Minnesota

PDG Lion James Arvidson
District 5M-9
Parkers Prairie, Minnesota

Lion Scott Grove
District 5M-11
Warroad, Minnesota

Lion Scott Grove

PDG Lion Jack Krage
District 5M-1
Winona, Minnesota

Lion Jim Hoyt
District 5M-3
Walnute Grove, Minnesota

Lion David Danielson
District 5M-5
Orono, Minnesota

Lion Ron Tiernan
District 5M-7
Albertville, Minnesota

PDG Lion Dick Stebbins
District 5M-9
Garrison, Minnesota

Lion Patty Purath
District 5M-11
Red Lake Falls, Minnesota

DG Lion Kim Schommer
MD5M Council Liaison

Lion Hilary Wickenhauser
District 5M-2
Cologne, Minnesota

Lion Craig Schellberg
District 5M-4
Spicer, Minnesota

Lion Joann Vaughan
District 5M-6
Hastings, Minnesota

Lion Jordan Haukos
District 5M-8
Saint Cloud, Minnesota

Lion Steve Caron
District 5M-10
Bemidji, Minnesota

Lion Jeff Fenske
Legal Consultant

Lion Wendy Goldsmith, O.D., Chair
District 5M-2
New Prague, Minnesota

PCC Lion Rob Wiener
District 5M-4
Sauk Centre, Minnesota

Lion Bob Nyre
District 5M-6
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Lion Sherri Schmitz
District 5M-8
Cold Spring, Minnesota

Lion Chris Correia
District 5M-10
Duluth, Minnesota

PDG Lion Nancy Mathwig